A Beginner's Guide to ASCE 7-10

Chapter 2 - Load Combinations

© 2012, T. Bartlett Quimby


The Load Combination Equations

Comparing LRFD & ASD Results

Example Problems

Homework Problems


Report Errors or Make Suggestions


Section 2.4.4

Example Problem 2.4

Last Revised: 11/04/2014

Given:  A transfer girder supports a column at mid-span as shown in Figure  The beam has a nominal moment capacity, Mn, equal to 100 ft kips.  The column load is (1) part dead load, (2) parts live load, and (1.5) parts snow load.  Use an LRFD resistance factor, f, of 0.90 and an ASD factor of safety, W, of 1.67.

Example Problem 2.4

Wanted:  Determine the maximum comparable equivalent service load for P considering only the flexure limit state.  Consider only LRFD LC3c and ASD LC4b.


The basic limit state for this situation can be expressed as:

Mu < f Mn Ma < Mn / W


  • Mu = Pu L / 4
  • Ma = Pa L / 4

Solving for Pu and Pa:

Pu < f Mn 4 / L Pa < 4 Mn / (L W)
Pu < 18.0 k Pa < 11.98 k

Before we can compare the two values to see which is more restrictive, we need to express the results in terms of Ps,equiv.  To do this we need to determine the composite load factors for the two given load combinations.

D = (1/4.5) Ps,equiv

L = (2/4.5) Ps,equiv

S = (1.5/4.5) Ps,equiv

Substituting these values into the given load combination equations

Pu = 1.2D + 1.6S +.5L Pa = D + .75L + .75S
Pu = 1.022 Ps,equiv Pa = .8056 Ps,equiv

With the composite load factors (the coefficients on Ps,equiv) we can now compute the load in comparable terms:

Pu = 1.022 Ps,equiv = 18.0 k Pa = D + .75L + .75S
Ps,equiv = 17.6 k Ps,equiv = 14.9 k

The final loads are now comparable.  Since LRFD allows a higher load than ASD, it is less restrictive.  This means that under ASD the member can support less than under LRFD, in this case.